
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CMS's Wayne Anderson Joins a TV "Treasure Hunt"

CMS's "lab C" turned into a TV studio briefly on Monday. The producers of Treasure Hunters, a new reality series on CNBC from the company behind Big Brother, contacted CMS looking for an expert to help the titular treasure hunters solve a mask-related mystery with some silicone casting skills. Wayne Anderson, CMS grad and current Face Off contestant, was happy to oblige!

We can't tell you too much about the episode, but we can say that Wayne and the rest of the CMS team had a great time filming it and the treasure hunters team seemed happy with the result.

We'll let you know when the show airs. If you need a Wayne fix in the meantime, watch Face Off on SyFy network at 9p/8p central, or come visit CMS to say "hi" in person!