
Thursday, February 17, 2011

London IMATS 2011 Event

Cinema Makeup School wowed the crowd again in London!  Graduate Gage Hubbard (of SyFy’s Face-Off fame) performed 2 prosthetics in our booth this year.  His model, graduate Gehan Mohammed, was the subject of both of his creepy creations.  The first, on Saturday, as a foam latex dried up zombie look, complete with hand appliances.  The second, applied on Sunday, was a silicone gel filled appliance of a mutant, complete with schoolgirl uniform.  The crowd loved the edgy factor of that particular makeup, and many a laugh and gasp were heard during the transformation.  Even Neil Gorton was drawn into the booth to congratulate Gage on his show stopping masterpiece. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Congratulations to all of our IMATS winners from this past year!

Cinema Makeup School would like to congratulate all of our IMATS 2010 winners. You all deserve it and we are so proud of you!