
Thursday, February 17, 2011

London IMATS 2011 Event

Cinema Makeup School wowed the crowd again in London!  Graduate Gage Hubbard (of SyFy’s Face-Off fame) performed 2 prosthetics in our booth this year.  His model, graduate Gehan Mohammed, was the subject of both of his creepy creations.  The first, on Saturday, as a foam latex dried up zombie look, complete with hand appliances.  The second, applied on Sunday, was a silicone gel filled appliance of a mutant, complete with schoolgirl uniform.  The crowd loved the edgy factor of that particular makeup, and many a laugh and gasp were heard during the transformation.  Even Neil Gorton was drawn into the booth to congratulate Gage on his show stopping masterpiece. 

Director of Admissions Lee Joyner (Godzilla, Mimic) was sculpting in the booth, bringing to life a huge horned demon design, complete with sweeping horns and furious emotion.  Assisting in the booth was graduate Vicks Tiplady, speaking with all interested parties about the school, it’s benefits and what to expect while training in Los Angeles.

Graduate Sunny Scarlett was honored to be chosen as CMS’ ambassador of prosthetic mastery, competing in the Character Competition.  The theme was Mythology, bringing a wide range of ideas and subject matter to the table.  Sunny used her brother as her model, and her mother came from the States as well to lend her support.  Sunny came in first, impressing the judges, including Academy Award winning (Narnia series) makeup artist Howard Berger of KNB fame. 
A fantastic time was had by all, and yet again CMS stormed the beaches of England with cutting edge makeup, unique instruction and award winning graduates!

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