
Friday, May 4, 2012

Cinema Makeup School Takes Over Monsterpalooza 2012

"For the past three years Monsterpalooza has been a great catalyst for connecting generations in the makeup industry as well as providing a pedestal to showcase many talented artists' work" says Cinema Makeup School graduate, Cris Sposito. She is not the only one that sees Monsterpalooza as a Mecca for all things horror, gore, and fantasy. Monsterpalooza is the industry's largest horror convention and year after year Cinema Makeup School manages to surprise and amaze attendees. 2012 was no exception.

Monsterpalooza is the ideal place for celebrations of films past, celebrity sightings, and glimpses of inspiration to come. Cinema Makeup School joined in all the creepy fun with a variety of demonstrations.

Now enjoy some photos from the weekend...

CMS Graduate Tara Lang turning Dave Felstead into the "London after Midnight" vampire.

Dave getting his lower eyelids glued down in preparation for the character.

 Applying the face prosthetic

Tara coloring the foam latex appliance.

Fitting the teeth with wires pulling his lips up.

Tara comparing her makeup with the original design

Tara with her makeup tribute to Lon Chaney.

Tara Lang and Dave Felstead with CMS Director Lee Joyner.

Tara Lang and her creature at the booth of the Chaney family 
( from the left: Jennifer Chaney, Tara Lang, Dave Felstead, Jaclynn Chaney and Ron Chaney)

The finished makeup.

CMS graduate and intern Christine Thompson modeling again for CMS Graduate Miranda Jory. Here she is drying her eye screen covers.

Miranda Jory pulling over the head piece. CMS Director Lee Joyner helping out.

Gluing down the parts. The Chest appliance is in place.

Head and chest appliances are in place and coloring is on it's way.

Miranda airbrushing more detail.

Stop for a quick interview...

Up close and personal with the creature...

Creature with finished paint job.

Miranda posing with her creation.

CMS Student Josh McCarron is ready to become a monster, modeling for his fellow student Wayne Anderson 

Applying the foam latex chin piece.

Wayne is gluing down the second face appliance.

Applying the prosthetic arm sleeves.

Every good monster needs claws...

Wayne starting on the paint job.

The finished makeup!

The back of the head had LED lights implemented and gave an internal glow...

Wayne Anderson and his creation.

Mutant romance - Wayne's beast getting cozy with Miranda's creature...

Ralis Kahn doing a makeup demo

The finished creation.

CMS Instructor Ralis Kahn doing his blood demo. He is assisted by CMS Graduate Simpat Beshirian.

As you see in the background...things got a little messy...

All in all it was a great weekend, with lots of surprises and fun. Thanks to all who stopped by the booth


  1. Great stuff... I wonder how tapping your eyelids down feels after a while...
    The fish people are awesome.. The female is so creepy- those breasts/utters are genius. Way to go!

  2. A wonderful blog giving knowledge on another rpedestal for the make up artists to show their talent. Such programs should be organized more often.
