
Monday, November 21, 2011


Follow along with Andrea Mendoza at Cinema Makeup School as she shares her work-study internship experience with you.

My second week of airbrushing was interesting. We spent the week learning the steps to create different styles using a net, stencils and our tools for body painting to create a look. This week  our instructor asked us to create an avant-garde animal look as well as a seasonal  look.  Every time I learn a new technique I get very excited to start a new challenge. The instructors encourage us to do research to get  the idea of what our designs will become. The hardest was the testing. We take a test after each section, and each instructor has their own way of testing. My test went little crazy because every time you start a project you have to sketch it out before you start. As for me I’m a visual person so used to just grab a photo for research and my idea will come to me. I was not used to sketching it out, and that lost me some points on testing day points.  Live and learn. Good lesson to make sure you know what the instructor (or client) wants and be sure it’s done.  
As for me, interning at CMS I meet so many students and get to see what they go through on testing day. Some students get overwhelmed because they want their look to come out perfectly. Being an intern is a great experience. I’m learning so much. The school is very helpful, and I even get to help people who want to practice their makeup or need help learning English. It’s very nice to be a part of other students' journey and meet so many great people. Next  week is High fashion and I can’t wait. I’m excited to share my experience with you.     

                                                           Evening Airbrush Class


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