
Monday, November 14, 2011


Follow along with Andrea Mendoza  at Cinema Makeup School as she shares her work-study internship experience with you.

Here's what she had to say:
In my journey I have experienced more that I could imagine. An instructor asked me if I was interested in doing a pilot and I said of course! I was so excited. If it gets picked up I will be hired with the show to be a part of that team of artists. I was so grateful for that experience. I am so amazed at how being a part of CMS is helping me to get my foot in the door in the industry. With my will power to grow and network I meet great people along my path. I got to see what it takes to be on set, do touch ups or whatever else your talent desires. I was so excited to receive my first call sheet. I never thought I, a wife and mommy of four children, could make it !! It is so exciting how God works. Thank you CMS .

My first week of AirBrushing was so much fun. I loved learning new techniques on applying foundation. The class covers different styles and patterns, and we are having fun exploring.

Me with Instructor Mireille Bertrand. She has done magazine,editorials,commercials and advertising. I was her model for the demo this day.

My work in class
Airbrushing 70's look


On Set!!

Me as a vampire for work at CMS
Halloween day

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